Integrating Reziew

Sample Javascript tag
<div id="reziew-area" style="margin: auto;"></div>
<script id="reziew-script" type="text/javascript">
  var reziew_options = {
    shortname: "demo", //That's your shortname, you need to change it
    sku: "pop", //That's the product sku
    locale: "en" //Be careful, there is no comma for the last line.
/**** Don't edit below this line, this is a js tag writing an iframe ****/
(function() {
   var rez = document.createElement('script');rez.type = 'text/javascript';rez.async = true;
   var param =  ((top.location.hash).match(/(rez_\w+=\w+)/g) || []).join('&').replace(/^rez/, "&rez");
   rez.src = 'http://'+reziew_options.shortname+''+reziew_options.locale+param;
   (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(rez);
List of available parameters

Your site « shortname », this can be found in the backend.

Example Values: demo

Product unique identifier. The “Stock Keeping Unit”, must allow you to uniquely identify a product in your database. The sku is used withing the follow-up mailing solution and in the landing page. It can be a string or and integer.

Example Values: B0051VVOB2
Default: Current url

Product name used in the post purchase email and landing page. If not defined, the current page’s title will be taken.

Example Values:
Default: Current Page Title

Product name used in the post purchase email and landing page. If not defined, the current page’s title will be taken.

Example Values: Kindle Fire

Manufacturer’s name. This parameter is used to classify your products in the backend and to add information in the landing page for instance.

Example Values: Amazon

The absolute URL to the product image. We recommend a maximum size of 250×250, this ressource/image is used on the post-purchase emails and landing page.

Example Values:

Manufacturer’s name. This parameter is used to classify your products in the backend and to add information in the landing page for instance.

Example Values: Amazon

Type of form to use, this setting can also be set from the backend. Please bear in mind that the JS parameter overrides the parameter from the admin and not the contrary.

Example Values: survey1
Default: Setting defined in the backend

Whether to display the form or the button “leave a review” or not.

Supported Values: expand | collapse | none
Default: en

Language to use in the review module (review list and user interface). ISO code format: 2 letters maximum.

Example Values: de
Integrating the stars/rating only
If you wish to integrate the stars / rating only within a list of product or next to the product title, please follow the below documentation. Add one javascript tag at the bottom of the page and as many Rating placeholders as you need to.
Rating placeholder
In your page template, add this code snippet as many times as you have stars to display. You have to leave the class to “reziew-rating-area” (you can add another one if needed) and you can change the style. The attribute sku is where you need to place your product SKU.
<!-- The link param is optional. If given, it will transform the label into a link --> 
<div link="linkToReviews" class="reziew-rating-area" sku="productSKU"></div>
Javascript tag
Please bear in mind: No matter how many products you want to display the ratings for, do only paste this tag ONCE in the bottom of the page.
<script type="text/javascript">
   //If you add this snipped below the review snippet, the parameters reziew_rat_options are optional.
   var reziew_rat_options = {
    shortname: "demo", //Replace that with your short name
    append_class: "small-star",
    display_empty: false, //Hide rating module if no review is available
    locale: "en" //Locale
    /**** Don't edit below this line, this is a js tag ratings ****/
    (function() {
        var rez = document.createElement('script');rez.type = 'text/javascript';rez.async = true;
        var param =  ((top.location.hash).match(/(rez_\w+=\w+)/g) || []).join('&').replace(/^rez/, "&rez");
        rez.src = 'http://'+reziew_rat_options.shortname+''+reziew_rat_options.locale+param;
        (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(rez);
List of available parameters

Your site « shortname », this can be found in the backend.

Example Values: demo
Default: en

Language to use in the review module (review list and user interface). ISO code format: 2 letters maximum.

Example Values: de
Default: true

Does the widget need to be displayed when emply?

Supported Values: true | false
Default: null

Class to append to the star widget

Supported Values: '' | small-star | yourspecialclass